Hey, since we talking about wheels, let me ask this:
Is rotational inertia ("I") implemented?

It doesn't seem to be. There is a setMass, but no setRotInertia or the like. In the absense of "I", it would be more accurate to say that we can impart entities with a set angular acceleration and that __torque has nothing to do with it__. The help files even say this:

"The torque vector can be visualized as the axis of desired rotation and the magnitude of this vector determines the desired acceleration"

By this definition, I'm guessing you use a unit "I" for all rotations so that

Torque = Angular Accelration x 1

However, the definition of mass states that "...Thus by increasing an object’s mass you will have to use a stronger force (or torque) to make them move..." by which I believe that

Torque = Angular Acceleration x Mass

If I'm mistaken or if "I" will be implemented later, I would like to know so I don't have to implement it myself. Otherwise a verification of which equation is actually used would be most helpful!
