By accident rvL_eXile and I noticed, that 3DGS 6.60 Extra supports effects using the fixed function pipeline. After a lot of testing I got a ffp water effect wich was written by Steempipe to work (Link ) for everyone.
Just one or two days before, ChrisB released his great render to texture plugin for free. Because of that, I tried to get realtimereflections to work with the water. I had some more problems (Link ), but found a solution now.
The effect works fine now, with my A7 Comm, but with A6 and the Plugin it has the problem, that the Engine Skyobject clips objects away in the reflection.
I think that it would be a big help for everyone if someone could figure out, how to get this working properly. Until then you´ll have to use A big boxmodel around your level as sky (Sry, I haven´t done it in the testlevel). In the testlevel, you´ll notice that problem as well because I forgot to delete the engine sky... . I as well published a version with A7 Comm. This is in the folder, so that you can see, how it should look if everything is right.
You´ll may notice some other small problems, but it is up to you to fix them

ChrisB allowed me to upload his dll together with this small package, so a big thanks to him. But he told me that I should tell you, that there are still some problems with the dll. You can find some more infos about the dll in this thread: render2texture.dll by ChrisB

Another big thanks goes to rvL_eXile, who helped me with testing (and made me slower because of asking questions about some scripts he is working on...) and created the testlevel. He asked me to tell you that all the models and textures are free to use but the skycube texture, wich was generated with the free version of terragen and can´t be used for commercial projects because of that.

And now have fun with it!


Btw, I´m actually updating my Blog with new information about Chopper-Zone, first infos about the postprocessingpackage I´m working on and with a short clip of dynamic shadowmapping in 3DGS (and some information about it ), but give me one or two more hours for this


Edit: If you have any questions or problems belonging to this, just post them

Last edited by Slin; 09/16/07 18:17.