Quoting George.

The jury always makes sure that the prizes go to the best entries.


This is probably redundant but:
I suspect users sample, vote, and provide feedback mostly just for 'fun'. I think that the jury may take user votes into consideration, but it probably isn't strictly forced to do so. It seems that jury choices supercede user choices, and in that sense, user votes might be somewhat 'meaningless' when determining winners. In fact, I don't recall seeing any definitive statements from relevant parties explicitly stating that user votes have any affect on selections for winners, but that might just be an oversight on my part.
Other than jury override, there may be no easy answer to 'user forum cheating' anyway.

Quoting msl_manni.

If its "Lite-C contest" then the code should be there. But I see that there are some demos that are using wdl code are also included in the contest. The purpose of the contest is to promote "Lite-C" and encourage its users to shift from wdl to Lite-C and learn from other peoples code examples. I think that only a few demos are fulfiling the requirements layed down for the contest correctly.

You may have a point there, but such specific purposes might take a back seat to 'marketing potential' and 'keeping the peace'.