Quoting George.

The jury certainly listens to the users' voice;

Thank you. Despite, the missing definition of 'anomaly' in the next section, that's good enough for me.

however, when we detect an anomaly, we switch to auto pilot.

It seems that all crucial bases are covered then.

We believe that this is the best solution (at least for now). If you've got suggestions I'm all ears.

Oops, my bad, ...seemingly critical tone && missing alternate proposals. None assertive: negative with no positives
(I plead guilty.)

I think the contest is supposed to be about fun, feedback, improvement, the sharing of ideas, encouragement, hope, joy, and satisfaction (plus a heaping dose of cute cuddly kittens, and soft fluffy bunnies). (Although it may seem otherwise, I don't really mean to 'piss on' the contest.) Even the stacking of 'guests' on the page, is sort of fun or amusing. Cheating and other disagreeable particulars, should never be allowed to spoil the spirit of the contest (which is to prove that you are a winner and that others are losers, of course).

Quoting PHeMoX.

Disqualification would be a good remedy perhaps,

Maybe as a strategy, members could attempt to frame contestants and try to get them disqualified, or at least intentionally create one of the mysterious 'anomalies' George was referring to. Wait, that's absurd. Disregard.

*Excellent handling. I think you do well, George.


Votes accepted from (09/26/07 06:00 AM) to (10/05/07 09:00 AM)

All well, I will probably download and view most if not all of the entries eventually, and maybe I'll actually find time to comment on a few them, before the thread reaches the point of no return. DUN Dee DUN DUN DUN