Originally posted by James Snydstrup:
No brakes yet...but I would appreciate if someone could give help out with some code that would generate a +1 or -1 to indicate whether a wheel is rotating clockwise or counterclockwise.

How about sampling the wheel's tilt value at two consecutive frames and then pick the smaller angle difference to yield direction of movement?
E.g. if tilt1==10 and tilt2==60 then it could be a forward movement of 50 degrees or a backward movement of -310. Given low velocities and high framerate, the result should be the smaller one, i.e. 50 and thus it's moving forward.

As for constraint parameters (2nd axis limits, non-rotating slider, ball limits), I am sorry to tell you that there are no enhancements planned in the near future. One thing that's on my list is making the wheels more stable though.