Don't take it bad Albertto

Here are some veteran like in War
So some of us have the reflex to quickly attack before the thread go in
lot of useless directions

It's not 3DGS Vs Unity , but we can say this features exists or not TODAY
in 3DGS ( i say today at this hour , not in some days or in a forecast beat etc ..)

If all people could think by the terms of Today : What are the facts
what have the engine or don't have Today at THIS HOUR.
I think each people would take engine A or engine B directly without waiting future (that sometimes never happen).

That's not comparing that's facts

Well let's stop here and come back to Unity don't want some bad war
, 3DGS is nice engine , not the best perhaps ,but far from the baddest ones

Last edited by TheExpert; 10/21/07 17:39.