
HeelX I kinda of agree with your point. So let's ignore "next-Gen" and just try to improve our understanding of what Conitec is planning for A7 tools/work flow in the future.

There was huge discussion and a compiled list of feature request for WED: http://www.coniserver.net/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/739953/an/0/page/13#Post739953

Although this list and its replies were considered by the users as useful and it showed that the demand for this is existant _and_ JCL said, that he'll get into details later (though, he made no reply on this), only one or two things made it into reality. There were, as I said, huge discussions about it and somehow I and some other people get tired to refrain all the features for years now.

If you have a look at other solutions you will think you are still in stoneage. WED is always on par with engine features - but at the very least compatibility stage. I never saw a sign of an own development for WED specific features which speeds up development and asset mangement. And if it happens that a WED-specific feature makes it, it just happens after a lot of request.

The term "workflow" is simply specified as processing of data. As game developer, especially with the toolset of gamestudio, you will find a certain workflow for your 3D model formats and ressources. But most parts of this workflow is "outsourced" into other programs because the file impoters AND exporters to foreign formats are very very limited. The developers of Gamestudio (and I dont say Conitec) should consider to put more effort in the toolchain of 3D Gamestudio oriented towards artists.