The engine ??
Well for engine , you have free ones, with all last shaders,projection textures and lot even more 3DGS always years before 3DGS

Find one or two programmers, and use Ogre3D or cheap TV3D engine

I think it should be like UT3 or Cryteck Sandbox editors.

You modelise, texturise with dedicaed programs :
Blender for 3D is outstandgly great like Gimp for 2D.
Cheap packages like Silo are great also : )
these tools are best suited for buildings,characters, moutain cliffs , trees etc ... and better for unwrapping also.

after thta WED should only have a terrain with vegetation editor like Cryteck or UT3 , and you should place in top of it all you want :
moutains parts/cliffs , buildings, bridges,etc ...

I think it's the best workflow and what do these big AAA tools.

So why WED keep BSP ?
why keep the poor WED modeler instead of attaching normal/specular maps
directly to characters models in the main level editor or a special tool just to adjust maps and shaders to models ?
No need for modeling at all, open source packages like Blender are 10 years
in advance compared to the poor MED !

I just don't understand C Lite engine alone ??
there are lot of free programming engines, perhaps in C++ but easy and lot more advanced like Irrlicht,Ogre3D !

Artists , game makers want all tools ready to go like UT3 , SandBox editors
Far Cry game has been made when tools were ready, like Gears Of Wars also.

Well just my advice.

Let's hope A7 will change deeply things , and not try to rearrange existing ones.
The engine keep old BPS , and others things, i doubt A7 to be a totally new engine.

Conitec could use Ogre3D for rendering , no more problems
always up to date for Next Gen.

I won't buy A7, i'll wait A8 to see if Conitec guys will be clever to make the right decisions.