

I think it should be like UT3 or Cryteck Sandbox editors.

And at UT3 or Crytek like prices?

Cute, and *kinda-almost-sorta* agree...but then I see stuff like that "Project Offset" engine ( http://projectoffset.com/ ).

I remember when they first "popped up" waaaay back in/around 2001. I remember because I was still in Vancouver. I remember someone raving about "You HAVE to see this new indie engine some guys are making!". I took a look at their little demo of a big brutish guy standing in a black expanse. He roared (no sound), and moved his head around, etc. But it all looked VERY cool. Anyway, long story short, it was him and a buddy or two of his. They were in school at the time. They had girlfriends too. They built the Offset Engine "for fun", on the time off they had from everything else. I specifically remember when their little web-forum (pretty simple in the time), they said that they weren't doing this to "get rich". They were doing it to learn, get better, and get jobs later on. That they would probably make the engine free or maybe some minor licencing fee or something..."hey, after all, we're one of you guys; just game/3d fans".

Then they [mofia don] "got an offer they couldn't refuse".[/mofia don]. People were asking about what was going on...they were awefully quite for a number of months. Then...BLAMMO! "We have a serious offer from a leading games producer. That's all we can say now". Questions about "price of an indie license" went ignored and unanswered. ...and now we know. They sold out. Period.

...So, what's my point? My point is this: If two or three guys can create the Project Offset engine in a couple years, *in their spare time*, why the hell can't a full-time company do just as well? o_O An engine is only priced "in the realm of crazy-talk" because nobody has had the kahonae's to tell a publisher "Naaa. We don't want your $2 million. We're doing this for fun, and want everyone to have access to the joy of making kick-ass looking games."

PS: I suppose a good lawyer as well as kahonaes might be in order. You can't tell me that there wasn't some sort of "well, we have lawyers, and we have patents on some things we *think* you might be infringing upon...hate to have to drag you into court for the next 5 years just to find out..." didn't play a part...

PPS: Yes, I'm a bit bitter over a lot of things that have been going on in the industry (and the US in particular) over the last 7 years or so... >:(


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