
Even if you did everything by hand, meaning recording every camera position/angle by hand, every objects angles etc, what you would end up with is massive scripts that would consume too much resources, simply by sheer size.

as much as a cutscene editor would be nice, that quote there is fairly useless, really. by writing a few different interpolation functions and handling styles of camera control, it'd be really easy to have really good cutscenes set up with minimal code. just remember to re-use a lot of functions, and don't be as lazy as the makers of KOTOR (1 & 2) with their awful use of stock animations. each cutscene could easily be no more than a few dozen lines (at most, which is really small) if you write some simple functions to make the cutscene coding cleaner, and put them in an include file.


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!