The term "next gen workflow" is a little bit confusing. The better term is "user friendly".

What do we really need? A All-In-One-Package !!!

- Start WED
- the A7-Renderer is now active
- select the 3D-Brush and paint/texture your terrain
- place your models or...
- paint your models like grass, plants and trees
- you should now see shaders in action
- place static and dynamic lights and see the results in Realtime (with Shadows)
- if you want: create your own cutscenes with an integrated editor
- same with Particles (no external application)

These points have nothing to do with "Next gen". Only with "user friendly".
GameEdit is good but far away from a All-In-One-Package.

The current price of the Pro-Edition is a joke. Nothing more.
You don't believe me? See Unity Engine 2