Its been a while since I posted here and after catching up on some time off and to get up to a basic working level in A7 I decided that now is the time to attempt a commercial title release.

Team members, co-collaborators or partners wanted, apply here.

Abandoned describes both the character and species and the artifact installations found the world over.

The following are development screenies for what is currently existing and being worked on.
This is initial concept sketching of the game world and its characters which will be filled out as development progresses

Player character

Symbiot construct stage 1 transition

Symbiot construct stage 1 transition - back view

Symbiot construct fully operant

After the long chimney climb

Just a few more steps

The mountain top observatory (cloaked within the peak)

Inside the observatory looking back to the outworld entrance

This is where the habitat complex will be built

The main outpost cavern

Transit station, disabled