Thanks Firoball, my stuff gets too complicated for a graphics oriented person so I need to create images to see where I am going.

As can be determined, completed level sketch passes milestone_1 and here we can see all the elements that comprise the level.
Each sub-level is loaded up when the player pos triggers a call and the subsequent one gets deleted.

I am having a few probs with A7.07 as sectioned models seem to corrupt randomly and per engine call, still sorting this mess but it puts a hell of hold on progress for what I want to achieve. The only other way is to have the complet level model load as a single structure at this stage, not good.

Its now a breeze to reference each segment and build accordingly but still have scope for additions/subtractions and so forth and all LOD requirements can be easily determined.

Doc_1 here

If anyone can spare modeling time, we need an enormous amount of sub-models made up for the LOD stages per model.