After settling in with our remote dev environment we now begin LODding from start_pos1.

The approach taken here is to seek the means to have the engine 'cruise along' rather than 'lag a long' and despite the many advices regarding clip_far and visible/invisible, no test conducted by me have ever bested LOD loading.

Clipping and visiblity management for fustrum culling still holds on to resources better saved for other aspects of dev work and can lead to massive frame rate drops if ones approach to dev work is still centered around prototyping, when employing alphas in conjunction with default scene management measures.

LODding is a must for this engine in order to attain freedom to develop. Of course this means a larger file footprint (owing to the extra LOD models) but performance is exactly what can be expected, a much needed measuring tool.

Here we see the access to the mountain entry area and 'start_pos1' where 3 model segments have been removed in order to use as reference for the initial LOD modelling.

The segments

and here, all the sections of the removed segment have been modelled to stage2 LOD

The final LOD stage will be even more detailed.

The idea is that at any stage, only what the camera sees will ever be loaded up affording resources for effects and functions to run.