LarryLaffer: Thanks for the feedback. I knew you would have a lot to say.

I'll talk more about t7 later. But the short summery is: Game Entities (GEs) in t7 are made from a collection of components (CMPs) attached to a single entity. Each CMP can have several data fields that can be set or read. They can also have several actions that they react to.

The WED behavior panel creates a data entry that automatically adds CMPs and edits data fields when an entity is loaded (it uses the entity's name for lookup).

In the coming weeks I will cover how this is done, how you can do it using LiteC, how to send/get actions from GEs, and how to make your own CMPs.

4)Scrolling works for me, so I probably missed something while testing. Can you be more clear on how you get this problem to happen?

5&6) Publish does not work yet. We are still in beta, so I don't want you to publish anything yet.

7)Comments are always important. Comments == Documentation, so please let me know about any problems you find. What's wrong with line 88 in t7.h?

8)I'm not sure if adding pictures would fit with the new panel design, but I could be convinced otherwise. Do you want a single picture at the top of the panel, or something else?

9)So far, none of the components return a string value. When one does, I'll add it.

10)The logic behind t7 is that it should be usable by anybody (no C++ skills, no external compiler). That said, I'm happy to report that JCL is letting me release the full source code for t7!

But, right now, I want to concentrate on making t7 usable for non-programmers. Once the code gets released, I'll be very busy.

11) I plan on using XML files for everything that can be edited (display.xml, input.xml, ai.xml). But, right now, I'm using some template6 code so we can test things.

12) Docking panels are a good idea, but more complex than you might think to do right. Another idea I have is to make the editor a stand-alone application that can run on top of WED, SED, MED, and the game while running. Both ideas are "Version 2.0", meaning I want to get the basics covered first before adding this level of polish.

13) True/False as a drop-down is a hack. I'll change that, but maybe not until "Version 2.0".

Thanks for the notes, as you can see not everything is finished yet. Its going to get a lot more exciting real soon.

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