Thanks for Template 7 Doug, I couldn't wait forward testing them. So after the installation I had the following problem, that after starting the game it crashes immediately, although the game started after changing the path like you said from t7_file="C:\Program Files\GStudio7\templates\xml\" to this t7_file="C:\Programme\GStudio7\templates\xml\" in this file myProj.xml.

The game is working properly, but as soon as I die it's not restarting.Is that normal? When I am approaching the woods I can see lots of holes in there, looks like the Alpha channel was on?

I noticed an additional information in the t7 Project Manager showing the following warning:
Warning(LoadProperty): CMP(animate): Property "animGroup" using unknown type.
-->"animGroup" Warning (LoadProperty) "brain: Property found without name. Not added.

Regards, Robert

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler.
by Albert Einstein

PhysX Preview of Cloth, Fluid and Soft Body
