Hello again,

Sorry for the delayed reply! I'll have plenty more time for T7 beta testing from now on..


4. The scrolling in the Behavior window doesn't work. If the components expand more than the window size, they dissapear into their own panel.

4)Scrolling works for me, so I probably missed something while testing. Can you be more clear on how you get this problem to happen?

Sure.. Btw, I played around with it a bit and i think maybe it's a problem with the project's path, because it doesn't always happen..

I create a new folder using the Project Wizard at "c:\..\My Documents\t7 Outside\", reload the level and everything, right click on the player model chick and select Behavior, and the panel looks fine:

Then i follow the exact same procedure to create a new level at: "C:\aaa\outside\". The panels I get look like this (notice the broken scrollbar on the right):

So when I expand some groups and the controls exceed the window, no scroll bar appears. There's just that broken scrollbar that you see, which don't help much. If I scroll it down, everything dissapears and the panel goes blank(like the panel has a huge Y size which is empty")

Since that all seemed a bit weird, I went ahead and renamed the first project's folder (the one with the working panels) from "c:\..\My Documents\t7 Outside\" to "c:\..\My Documents\fdgdfg\", loaded up, and the panels were broken again (like the last two screenshots). Then I rename it back to "c:\..\My Documents\t7 Outside\", and the panels work again..

Hope that helped a bit. Btw I haven't upgraded to the new WDLV you uploaded, cause everytime i download it, its size is 1 kilobyte(and of course, doesn't work when i replace it with the old one..).

Everything else works though, cause we're using the same paths (ex. c:\Program Files\Gstudio7)


7. Not a bug, but if you need help fixing your comments, then some are wrong above the entity_get_vec(..) in line:88 at t7.h. Let me know if you need more feedback like that, or if it's not important at this stage

7)Comments are always important. Comments == Documentation, so please let me know about any problems you find. What's wrong with line 88 in t7.h?

The function you comment is entity_get_vec(..) but the comments describe it as: " \brief Set values in zero or more CMPs.". And I guess that whole function goes to the comment section below titled: "// get"

Btw, there are two different t7.h files, one located at "C:\Program Files\GStudio7\include\t7" and the other at: "C:\Program Files\GStudio7\templates\includes". I presume you don't use the second one at all, but since they both have the same name but different content you might want to delete/rename the second one.


8. In T6 we could have pictures displayed on the customizable panels which was a really cool idea. Will this be possible in t7?

8)I'm not sure if adding pictures would fit with the new panel design, but I could be convinced otherwise. Do you want a single picture at the top of the panel, or something else?

The same way Template 6 panels worked, where you could place a picture at any point of the panel(but using XML files this time..)

I use pictures to emphasize different groups within the same panel better, like this:

Of course it's not practical to make all these pictures, and I can see how the new T7 panels has expand/collapse groups, but it's still a bit hard to recognise groups from one another in many cases, especially in groups within groups:

Maybe you could make the background gray colour of the "head" title a bit more darker, to be much more distinguished from it's containing options with titles using the white background ("offset", "angOffset", "angLimit")..

Anyway, I'm guessing the way to go without pictures and still look good would be something like 3ds Max 7's design, where groups are identified very clearly:

But nevertheless, our panels look descent too, especially since they have to be dynamically created from XML files.. But using pictures would allow me(and others?) to make em look better


9. Haven't found a function entity_get_str(..). I guess it just isn't ready yet?

9)So far, none of the components return a string value. When one does, I'll add it.

Well, I just saw entity_set_str(..) and assumed there'd be a entity_get_str(..) as well.. So that the user(through panels) and the programmer can store and retreive multiple string values to any individual entity, without using my.string1 and my.string2.


10. t7Camera.h has certain camera function prototypes that are commented as DLL functions. Does this mean T7 are going to be closed sourced?

10)The logic behind t7 is that it should be usable by anybody (no C++ skills, no external compiler). That said, I'm happy to report that JCL is letting me release the full source code for t7!

So.. just to clarify.. The code for T7 (like physics, weapons, movement, etc) is now going to be one DLL that you will later release it's source?

But if I use Lite-C for my own project, will I be able to use and create T7 panels using xml files with the same functionality?


11. How do we let the user change general parameters now(apart from behaviors)? Didn't see any examples, but i did saw some T6 comments in startup.c. Hope that's not gonna be it.. I saw Cameras.xml with some parameters that looked like it, but i haven't found any function in t7.h to retrieve that information, or where will the user be able to change those parameters using customizable panels.

11) I plan on using XML files for everything that can be edited (display.xml, input.xml, ai.xml). But, right now, I'm using some template6 code so we can test things.

I really look forward to this, since now the only way to see the new improved T7 panels, is for entity behaviors. Not that the template6 panels look bad, but i don't like how you create them through the source code files, and that whole updating system that is required due to that.

When that feature is added, i can finally start converting all the old template 6 panels to xml files, so any expected release date on that would be highly appreciated.

Thanks and keep up the good work!


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