What should I say... Nice screenshots!
Some things could be better/shorter solved and there are some things where the speed could be improved, but to change this for everything would be a LOT of work.
This should be good enough for beginners and contains a lot of stuff that should be even usefull for advanced 3DGS user and it worth for them to clean the specific parts and make them fit to their needs.
I think it was a good decision to release it for free, otherwise it would have need to be done nearly from scratch.
I am happy that I was able to test it already months ago and to contribute some stuff into it.

@Those calling Loopix a very good scripter (from my position as someone who still needs to learn that much):
Loopix seems to have sometimes awsome ideas on what others could like to have and how it could be realized (shoreline with shoremap) but he gets sometimes stucked on the easiest things and makes simple stuff far to complex. But who does not do that (I do)? Read the MystyMood Scripts and decide on your own if it is good, very good or amazing (hey, at least it works)

Oh, and thanks for this great contribution!