i see what vietnam is trying to explain to you. ive watched your video several times and noticed some mistakes:
When the pistol is shot the rear end of the arm falls down and the gun goes up. As a constant shooter in real life ide have to say you need recoil, when the pistol is shot make the arm bend slightly and have the gun go up (barrell first).
secondly: when the bullet hits the zombie it creates a dust looking effect, i know this is only just been created and am not trying to say that this dust effect was made on purpose.
overall i like it mate. I like the black n white effect, i like how the zombies appear in the fog and overall i like the storyline so far (olden style fps).

I am currently creating a zombie game called horde (copyright haha jk) and am willing to help in anyway possible.

p.s oh i didnt know you created the old western video lol i enjoyed watching that a while back when i first started out lol. And sorry for such a long post...

cheers - Dragon -

looking for team members please send email to cdtjones69@hotmail.com or go to www.conflict-games.com

Chris Jones,
Conflict Games