Well tried the demo

Yeah can be done with 3DGS but in all parameters at LOW

I play 800*600 , effects , shaders ,particles,special effects at MEDIUM , all
rest LOW.
Even like that you have specualr/normal map shaders on characters,rocks,palms(spceular just??) etc ...
Water is a simple reflective plane with some effects, already good!
Don't put it at MEDIUM or you'll see real waves and your FPS will drop down a lot.
Same thing for shadows.
even in that low parameters , the game is great, great 3D art on models , their
suits with normal /specular are incredible , and sss shader make their
heads real

In fact , it's a lot Far Cry 1 engine enhanced in graphics only for me.

You can see LOT LOT of LOD used MASSIVELY.
rocks pop in front of you some meters forward , no smooth transparency transisiton like Oblivion.

The levels use lot more rocks and object instancing, to speed up.
Don't forget lot of Sprites for far trees and LOD on nearest ones.
LOD on terrain textures(distant ones become blurred on terrain : mipmapping ) !
Well i'm non impressed at all.

I've tested with effects at MAx : 2-5 FPS second (Dual Core 2.5 , GeForce 7600GTS)
All effects at max, and your game seem to be ALIVE , yeah , the graphics
at max change all the way the game looks
DEpth of Field,motion BLURR when you turn etc ... etc ...
Even Water at MAX is incredible you can see through it plants etc ...
the movement of see and colors at max are the best water even seen !

The game have animals like birds, crabs ,fishes etc ... behaving in the nature.

For terrain their caves/vertical cliffs , i've seen nothing incredible, just played with the editor to see that terrain raised a lot can keep textures not distorted

For gameplay : it's awesome , powers you can use partially caus cost energy
that have to recharge : cloak mode, power etc .. weapon customizing ..
And all 3D art : weapons,characters,animations, effects , textures etc ...etc ... are a masterpiece when parameters at MAX

Very good cinematics, i was lot more involved than Call OF Duty 4 (even if it will remain excellent) , and finded in it lot more fun caus you are more free

For example i stayed hidden behind a house and use cloack mode to go out and shout with silencer a soldier , and gonna back to wait power recharging to use
cloack mode again.
Another time used Force mode to jump on a roof and hide a soldier to shoot him

Yeha the game is AS FUN an ENJOYABLE as FAR CRY.
so FUN , IMMERSIVE , INCREDIBLE GRAPHICS (for people that can have the PC),
it's another BIG Big Hit
Fro multiplayer don't know if it will be good ?

Just download the game it hav an editor that you can also install to see
how AAA games editors behave,
in fact in the editor All : AI , Terrain editor,objects etc ... are panels,
no coding