Well, it took me longer as i excepted (sometimes private life comes in the way^^) but here it is: the first gameplay montage of Rage of Tyr!

as you can see, it consists of only 2 Stages (Stage 3 is not ready yet^^) and shows just a few short clips of the gameplay. basicaly, its a hack and slash with minimal adventure elements. run around, kill as many enemies as possible. not really much to add here^^

A6 Comercial with Render2Texture.dll from ChrisB (thanx)
Bloom Shader (Slin, Ultimate Shader Collection)
Bump, Normal and Specularity Mapping (xXxGuitar511)
Water Shader (Not visible)
Stage 1 (Village) Is made of Models and Terrain only
Models bought from alienheretic (i really reccomend him)
Rain courtesy of xXxGuitar511 (thanx again)
Particle Effects by Easy Particles

here is the Link:

As you can see, we could need somebody who really knows coding, to create a better AI and Battle System, and maybe an effects coder^^