I'm still using C-Script , but from what I understand 3DGS is limitless with lite-C in every aspect of programming
You're talking about what I called 'forced' update in some of my posts I'm wondering how did you do it? I did it regulary,like my usual updates,but called at an exact moment between 'regular' updating. The only difficult thing (wich wasnt very difficult) was to make it run no more than 3 times between regular updating at (like regular updating) certain intervals. (Eg. splitting the time between a regular update to 4 parts (the fourth being the regular update) and sending only on the other 3 exact moments if needed).
The only thing messy using this concept is a counter in my regular updating that counts the frames passed since the last regular update in order to synchronise the forced updates.
If you run into problems , I'll gladly help you with my (still very limited ) knowledge of MP programming (I mean for debugging).
And , if you fail and decide to abandon that project (I hope not), I'd like to offer you to team up on a 'learning' project for MP programming Turn-based concept for 2 or maby 8 players (not much of a diffrence).

Extensive Multiplayer tutorial: