I'm already updating only in a certain area wich is btw in my futuristic concept very small,because you see only a small part of the level... So , I'm talking about 100 players or NPCs on the screen at the same time wich would pretty much fill your whole screen
Right now I'm sending one var to indicate that an update came , one for entity ID that needs to be updated (I'll have to include entity type also in the future) 2 for X and Y coords , one for pan angle , one for firing/not firing and one for health , and today I'll include animation states. 7 vars packed in an array total 4 times/sec. for each entity visible on screen.
I'll have other updates but 'one time only' type of. For creating weapons on the ground or removing them...
Btw , I'm also testing on one PC. I suppose I cant find out what app is sending what to another app ?