
one for pan angle , one for firing/not firing and one for health , and today I'll include animation states.

Here's a common bandwidth saving routine: Packing as much data into a data type as possible.

Pan can go from 0-360... or three digits max.
Firing/Not Firing is one bit... but aince you are using A6, the least we can do is one digit.
And I don't know how much health you have, but let's assume you have a max health of 9999.... or 4 digits.

So all together you have pan (3 digits), firing (1 digit), and health (4 digits).

A var has a total of 9 digits.

Hence, you can store ALL this informaiton into one var...

...and if you only have 10 animations states, you an store that in there too!!

You've just reduced 3 vars (12 bytes) into 1 var (4 bytes)!!!!
Or if you put in 10 animations, you've reduced 4 vars (16 bytes) into one var (4bytes)!!!!