I'm not much into bits and bitwise operations so I'll stick with vars and btw , what you posted is a great idea for packing numbers. I tought of that , but using strings...sending player name,pos & other stuff and than when a client receives a string he can 'strip' off (Is this the correct word? ) the player name , the pos , all the data he needs. But , I dont know how much bytes a char in a string is and I havent tought of the actual 'mechanical' part of that concept. It'll be easyer to manage all clients with a string because this way you could always link an ent to a 'player name' in your project. Right now , my player names are nothing more than local strings and plus I dont know yet how to limit an inkey instruction to only numbers and "_[]{}=." for example. I also cant prevent clients from setting already existing player names , because I need an ent created to send to that ent back a response and my ents arent created until the client has set his player name But thats a separate wdl code , I can modify it later,when I optimise the current code.
Btw , I tested with 4 times/sec. updating and I think the clients will be satisfied with 2 times/sec. It'll decrease the bps received and still look like a regular MMO , because right now its more kind of a online shooter
I added animation , but local only (when the player ent is moving,animate) but I guess I'll need anim states updated because I'm planning for bones anim.

PS.: I'm currently testing with the default (3DGS's) MP code for entity management , but I might start over again to make the ent creation/updating handled by the custom server updates. Not only because of the BPS Peaks and a lot of traffic at the same time for all clients , but also because I might have greater control over the entities.
And , a little off topic from MP , how can I resize terrains that have a shader applied to them ? I tryed scale in WED , I tryed scale in the function , I even tryed in the console , nothing works when a multi-tex is applied. I think in the end I'll make my own script for terrain management , possibly with an editor if I have the nerves to get involved in image and mesh manipulations

Extensive Multiplayer tutorial: