
I wonder as well how they redesigned their site that fast

Because we reacted pretty fast and informed their hosting provider. Their website could have been offline if they didn't change design.
Also it wasn't hard to track all the forums where they spammed adverts.

I have no idea if they sell their own models or not, but our website contents was stolen. I still see lots of our images on their ftp even after they changed website appearance.
I don't see why people who develop such complex 3d models can't build their own website that takes couple days.
Another important thing, website owners didn't bother to explain the situation on any forums they posted. And didn't specify that they really own models and website confusion was just an accident. And I didn't get any response from them after contacting regarding website theft.

So again to make things clear, they didn't steal 3d models from us and I have no idea if they stolen em somewhere else, though they did steal our website design that really confused lots of people, who know our website well.

This was actually the way I was informed about this. I've got lots of e-mails from our customers asking if it is our new website. No we don't have anything to do with those thieves.