Tried that, same thing, empty pointer...

var TraceCoords;

function TeleportGun()
me = player;
vec_set(TraceCoords.x, vector(10000, 0, 0)); //shoots 10000 quants
vec_rotate(TraceCoords.x, player.pan); //shoots in the direction of the player
c_trace(player.x, TraceCoords.x, ignore_me | ignore_passable | activate_shoot);
if (you)
var tempX;
var tempY;
var tempZ;

tempX = player.x;
tempY = player.y;
tempZ = player.z;

player.x = TraceCoords.x;
player.y = TraceCoords.y;
player.z = TraceCoords.z;

you.x = tempX;
you.y = tempY;
you.z = tempZ;

thats what i have, then in my input script i call TeleportGun(); obviouslly. That function is inside the actual player script, built off of the PlBiped01.wdl that comes with gamestudio a7.

vec_rotate(TraceCoords.x, player.pan);

^ that is the line causing problems at the moment.

btw, thanks so much for helping me. i appreciate it.