Because I suck at Photoshop, this took a very long time. I'm still not happy with all of it, especially the gun. I've also had trouble putting the straps on the shoes. Perhaps I should try cylindrical mapping? At the moment I've just got each side of the ankles mapped as plannar.

What I really want is something like Deep Paint where I can paint directly on the model. However, I'm really not in the mood for dropping another hefty sum on 3d sofware at the moment, so if anyone knows any cheap or free programs that can do the job, please let me know.

I'm going to leave the texturing for awhile and move onto animating, since Photoshop is beginning to drive me mental. I'll be using MoCap animation, which I will purchase off the web.

Another bunch of headaches to come. Now, time for a nice cold beer.

Edit> I also managed to find a whole lot of useless polies while I was skinning. The model is now down to about 2300 tris.

Last edited by A.Russell; 10/24/03 20:22.