@ A.Russell: I downloaded now your model. It looks really great, I like its shape, especially its face in flat shaded mode of the MED!
It has a unique asian character!

The file size is killing! I think that is a consequence of importing it from Lightwave. To reduce it, one can look at the animation frames (300! frames, my model has 45) and erase all that frames that are not needed as 'keyframes'. Keyframe is not exactly the right word, because in MED you need a continuesly chain of frames. One can try it this way, erase every second and third, but if a frame represents the 'end' or 'peak' of a special movement, then don't erase it.

@ Grimber: You scan the skin of your Hand to put it on the model? Hopefully not the hairy side?
But honestly, its a nice idea, I know drawings of an artist where always the skin looks like fingerprints - great drawings. It's a pity that I don't remember the artist's name.