I did the tweaking only at one side of the head, and there is no reason to do it twice.

I modified the cheeks.

Both with restricted scale in one step.

And then each side with the turn tool.

After that I deleted one half of the head. Be carful at the front side - the bridge of the nose and other things have no line in the middle.

If you put the doubled half (my recommondation: turn tool restricted to 45 degree in the somehow hidden[as explained in the first part of my 'tutorial'] settings window.) So, if you put the doubled half precisly at the other one then you can merge them at their touching points. In the 3D-view mode 'gouraud shaded' you can see wether it worked properly.

Did you already know that can hop between the 3D-view modes with F1, F2, F3, F4?