Nemesis, you always give me such a good motivation!

I would have posted sooo many pics and explanations, if I only had the time.

One idea was to make an 'instant model': sketch, mesh, skin and animation in one single day. The concept of the model has to be simple to get the task done in such a short time, but I would make fun, somehow like racing.

Okey, there is not even a sunday in sight were I have 8 hours to get such a challenge started.

So I thought, let's work two hours on a model a day, one hour - not realistic. Okey: one pic with explanations er day!...? Let's have look! I did a few shots from work of a couple of days ago.

First, the result:

1) Any idea what reason for such a mesh?

I cannot resist to show an 'inbetween' result, things like this are inspirating! Could be something like a pharao or an alien priest.

You can compare the gourad shadowed view of the head with the skinned view - that should give an impression of the influence of painted shadow in relation to the shadowing of the game engine.

There are better skins, shure. But, its not too bad to learn from.

Okey, its time to go to bed. Next more!