Thanks for all the comments.
Don´t forget that this is WIP. There are going to be quite a lot of models in this scene. We will turn down the specularity, since most of doesn´t seem to like it that much (I do, since I don´t need a game to be realistic, but want to have it good looking with a great atmosphere...).

The Shader is a normalmapping shader, which was once posted by matt_aufderheide with a lot of changes. Because of performance reasons it only supports two lights for now. It uses a glossmap and the specularity strength and its intensity can be changed through the entities behaviorpanel in WED (or through the script).

About the discussion about highpoly and shader:
The characters in many modern computer games are having more than 10000 polies with applied shaders. And the scences are much bigger.
At the moment I think that we will have at least 30 fps in the end on a common computer. But we´ll see

Friendly_Frank, how is a projectionshader usually used for such lightening things? I´ve got one which works fine but shines through objects. If I want to prevent it, it gets exactly the same as shadowmapping

Last edited by Slin; 12/05/07 14:38.