Thanks guys

Non of the models are exceeding a polycount of 1500 tris so far. This might change with more complex models, but not much.

Just want to mention, we are not trying to push the graphical limits of the whole industry to the most recent level/limit; because this is not the meaning of this project (and would not be possible with 3dgs I think). If the graphics are by far means similiar to Games like Thief 3 or Oblivion, then I am more than happy with it

Bear in mind that this complexity is hard to sustain for a whole 3dgs game - so I doubt that it would be possible bringing this to a "real" game in 3DGS. It's just an experiment. We are not intending to make a whole game out of it.

I lowered the Speculars a lot now, but some objects just need a fair bit of specularity... e.g. the plankroof or the ground (but even them now have just a bit of specularity, so things might look better now). I do like more specularity just like slin does, but if the mayority of people dont like it, then I have to lower it

Last edited by Tristan3D; 12/05/07 19:09.