Yeah thanks for the suggestions (and slin is playing around with occlusion at the moment; we'll see if we can implement that too) - but we don't want to copy oblivion - in fact I am using a lot more than just oblivion as a reference. In my eyes this design has a lot more from Thief3 than from Oblivion - even though it got some round eddges which are typically of oblivion artwork. But nevertheless, it's an "Inn" from a world I call "The Realm" - which differs a lot from the storys of oblivion, thief or any other game out there.

And for the bumpiness/glossiness: Everything will get a fair bit of both regarding to our taste of things - there is no overall good way to do this, because anyone out there has their special tastes about that. So we have to decide what we would like it to be (and hope others will like that too)

Last edited by Tristan3D; 12/15/07 10:01.