I had some heavy performence problems with parallax occlusion mapping and am now using relief mapping instead.

The normalmapping shader supports 3 lights in one pass with pixelshadermodel 2.a and has fallback to the same Shader splitted into two passes with pixelshadermodel 2.0.
The relief mapping shader supports 3 lights as well with pixelshadermodel 2.a and has fallback to parallax mapping splitted into two passes with pixelshadermodel 2.0.
Both shaders have also fallback to FFP Bumpmapping, which looks quite okay and to the normal 3DGS rendering (empty technique).
For both shaders, it is taken care of the models ambient value. A glossmap is used and the height, overall glossstrength and gloss intensity can be adjusted per model within WED.

I´m now playing around some more with shadowmapping and hope to get something usefull done for this level.
Btw, at the moment the level runs with ca 90fps on my system

We don´t have a good displacementmap at the moment, but this it what the relief mapping looks like with the one Crazy Bump created for me, wich is because of that far away from perfect:
