Well, i just started working on a genetic algorithm experiment or whatever
There won't be any kind of fittness just die or to survive which is kind of real natural selection.

What i gonna do is to create a village with max. 400 villagers.
Each villager has an own job, an own way of living (when doing what), a hobby he likes the most, a familie (housemates or however you call it), gender (male female) and an individual look (hair, clothing).

I will not generate random genes (except for the look) at the beginning, so they are at first all the same fintie state machines.

Each villager has its own phenotypes and genotypes and some jobs or whatever are recessive or dominant ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mendel ). Which is in my opinion a more realistic way of simulating people ^^

The GA will even include when he does what and at which point he is going to eat to prevent him from dying.

With the job the family gets money and so they can buy food for themselfes, then someone has to mkae the food ready to eat, so they can eat it
And it is nearly the same with water: They have to buy it and drink it ^^

One important thing is that they can't buy water if nothing is in the store, so the jobs will have an affect on the hole village.

So those are the states:
Play -> hobby
Work -> job
pray (in church)
meet friends
buy food
buy water
make love ( )

thief (rare)

Skills which affect the health

Each bot will have its own personal assets in the genes so for someone they like it easier to fall in love with them

Now i just finished the 2D-world script to display everything an now i am working on th e pathfinding... I think i may post a demo of the pathfinding stuff tomorow so you can play a around with one npc

Now i am tired and want to sleep so here is a screenshot

and here a world bmap i used

Have fun

EDIT: Damn i forgot one thing, they can get better in their jobs by reading books, so they will earn more money

Last edited by DerOmega; 12/11/07 22:18.

Formally known as Omega
Avatar randomness by Quadraxas & Blade