that sucks..

Here's an idea..

I guess you're using an editor to place those tiles and make maps right?

Index your tiles like this:



negative tiles are impassable, to help with your A* later on

so when you copy paste tiles in the map using your editor, you're gonna use seperate panels like you do, but when you click DONE, your editor creates a .txt file like this:


1 1 1
2 2 2
1 1 -2 (a 3x3 tile map, consisting of a pavement and some flowers on the lower right)

Now.. of course you can use this data for a very fast A* pathfinder.. and in the actual game, you're gonna use this data to create a humongous new bitmap file on the fly, using the new bmap functions(bmap_create, pixel_to_bmap, etc..). Start by creating a blank bmap, then read the first digit from the .txt file (f.e 1), open the corresponding grass bmap and add it to the blank bmap you created. When you're done, you'll have a huge bitmap that will hopefully be nicer to the fps

it's not the only way, but i think that's how i'd do it. It's a grid game, so it's wise to have an underlying grid structure in memory, instead of relying to the tiles themselves

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