
programmed in A5/A6/A7 ? what is it you need ?
I might have some around


Well actually A5 would be perfect But A6 would be allright.
Not Really Keen on A7 As it uses the Lite-C witch I no nothing of.
I'm familiar with The Older Syntax Better And will either be
using the A5 Engine or Mid A6. But I suppose I might just maybe
be able to make sence of an A7 Demo if was in the old .wdl scripts.
Just Don't know how well I could re-verse enginer a script to
something significantly Older..

Just to let the cat out of the bag I have some Arcade components..
Well I am comtemplating Making some simple games capable of running
on older hardware. Showcased in A Actual Arcade Shell and working

I have been toying with the idea for A while and now its
just of matter of me coding everything!

So a Demo Would be excellent but I would not turn down a
script or 2 if anyone had some ideas.


*** Teutonic Darkness ***