the changes for the vertex shader:

texture entSkin1; // tiled texture 1
texture entSkin2; // tiled texture 2
texture entSkin3; // tiled texture 3
texture entSkin4; // !NEW! -> this is the macro map now! make sure you also assign it that way in med!


texture[3]=<entSkin4>; // !NEW!


vertexShaderConstant[64]=<vecSkill41>; //(u_scale1, v_scale1, u_scale2, v_scale2)
vertexShaderConstant[65]=(10.0f,10.0f,0.0f,0.0f); // !NEW! -> (u_scale3, v_scale3, 0, 0)


mul oT0.xy,v7.xy,c64.xy // output scaled uvs - tiled texture 1
mul oT1.xy,v7.xy, // output scaled uvs - tiled texture 2
mul oT2.xy,v7.xy,c65.xy // !NEW! output scaled uvs - tiled texture 3
mov oT3.xy,v7.xy // !NEW! output uvs - macro map

the pixelshader:

def c0,1,1,1,1
tex t0 // sample colormap1
tex t1 // sample colormap2
tex t2 // sample colormap3
tex t3 // sample macromap

mov r1,t1
lrp r0.rgb,t3.a,t0,r1 // blend t0 with t1 depending on t3 alpha
+mov r0.a,c0

lrp r0.rgb,t3.b,r0,t2 // blend the result with t2 depending on t3 blue
+mov r0.a,c0

mul r0.rgb,r0,v0 // modulate with diffuse vertex lighting

the blue channel of the macro map defines where the third texture appears. i don't have the time to test it at the moment so probably you will have to experiment a little! i hope it works!