
Is there any chance to get rid off the SetLightMatrices.dll...
set the matrices somehow in c-script and still being able to use this shadow method in A7??

It is all written in Lite-C and I wasn´t able to get the functionality of the dll in Lite-C...

I am going to release the full code when everything works fine.
I thought about selling it but a sponsor call is probably a good idea


It looks awesome, shadows are still sharp but very promising!

I know how to blur them more but had some wierd problems when trying that yesterday,
but I will look into it more deeply very soon.


Also, this SetLightMatrices DLL - did you make this?
I am guessing it generates the view matrix or something similar for the light,
is there any chance you will release how to use it and if we can use it

I created that DLL. I need it to pass more than one custom matrix to shaders.
It is actually very simple but I plan to expand it to help me with some other stuff as well
You can use it for everything you want to.
You have to use it like that:
-Put the dll in your plugindir.
-Place these lines on top of your scripts:

dllfunction SetCustomMatrix(char *Name, float *Matrix); //passes a custom matrix to a shader
dllfunction SetCustomVector(char *Name, float *Vector); //passes a custom matrix to a shader

-Call the function you want to use in the event of the material you want to pass the matrix to:

SetCustomMatrix("MatName", ArrayWith16Values);
SetCustomVector("VecName", ArrayWith4Values);

-You can than acces the Vector and the Matrix in the Shader like this:

float4x4 MatName;
float4 VecName;

This is the sourcecode of the dll:

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <math.h.>

// engine specific header file
#define DLL_USE // always define before including adll.h
#include "adll.h"
#include <d3dx9.h>

// DLL main entry point - normally this needs not to be changed
DWORD ul_reason_for_call,
LPVOID lpReserved )
// make sure the library is linked
return TRUE;


DLLFUNC void SetCustomMatrix(char *Name, float *Matrix)
D3DXMATRIX matCustom = (D3DXMATRIX)Matrix;

A7_eff = (LPD3DXEFFECT*)ev->render_d3dxeffect;

DLLFUNC void SetCustomVector(char *Name, float *Vector)
D3DXVECTOR4 vecCustom = (D3DXVECTOR4)Vector;

A7_eff = (LPD3DXEFFECT*)ev->render_d3dxeffect;

The problem for the errors is that this dll doesn´t get loaded on many computers (it works fine on my computer...)... -_-

Here is a short clip of the shadows until I solve the problem with the dll:

Thanks for all those comments

If I get the problems fixed, added pointlights, blur and support for more lights and have it all easy to use, how much would you be willing to pay for it?
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