Yeah, many thanks Futurulus.

I am still curious about the "vibrant" thing. Even disregarding the lack of reflections, the thing is the portals don't "glow" or emit light like the screen shots in "Waxing the floor" or "Finished for now": they're just animated textures that look dull as seen on the screenshot in page "The Desk". Is this due to any other limitation on the trial version?

As for the add script, I imagined this had indeed changed. The thing is, according to the tutorial, the "File>Project Manager>Add tab" already existed on that old version. So it seems that they have just opted to remove the alternative (faster and more direct) way of adding a script, which is odd... oh well.

@Sabin2k: yeah, I guess we do. Anyway, if Mev Dinc can do "Kabus 22" using 3DGS (still can't believe how good that looks) then this must be a fine piece of software!