people would be amazed how accurate blacksmith back then where able to work and what forms they could create.

my biggest problem with the sword its the handle. its way to thick and bulgy. you would have the hardest time fighting with it.
i interprete the two peaks left and right of the blade as thin metal plates as well.

another thing is the too short grip compared to its thikness. it should be arround 100% longer to match the human hand anatomy.

another thing is the weight. boy if the handle is full metal, it might be way out of balance and unpractical to use and way to heavy. if its not metal but a lighter material it doesnt make much sense then any other sword will crush it into pieces in no time.

beside the balde sticking out i cant see how the rest should be constructed or welded. it looks like somene cutted it out of an iron block or melted it in one piece.
metal, especially back then, will need screws, connection lines and and and to make it looke "hand crafted".

btw the grip for the hand should be bulged out (elipsoid) not in like it is now. the hand will form a natural hole when you grab something. the way its made now, you will have some empty space inbetween the hand and sword (=> uncomfortable and uncontrolable).

hope the one or other suggestion might help

looking forward to see more and the textured version of the sword

cheers and keep it up

Models, Textures and Levels at: