i got it to run. here is the fx file code and the shader.wdl code:
FX file
// Environment Mapping Bump Mapping Water
// Version 2
// Eric Hendrickson-Lambert (Steempipe)

matrix matMtl;

texture mtlSkin1;
texture mtlSkin2;

technique makewater2
pass p0
Zenable = True;
ZwriteEnable = True;


Texture[0] = <mtlSkin1>;
Texture[1] = <mtlSkin2>;

magFilter[0] = linear;
minFilter[0] = linear;
mipFilter[0] = linear;

COLOROP[0] = BumpEnvMap;
COLORARG1[0] = Texture;
COLORARG2[0] = Current;

TexCoordIndex[0] = 1;
TextureTransformFlags[0] = Count2;
TextureTransform[0] = <matMtl>;

magFilter[1] = Linear;
minFilter[1] = Linear;
mipFilter[1] = Linear;

AddressU[1] = Clamp;
AddressV[1] = Clamp;

ColorOp[1] = Modulate; //Modulate/AddSigned/Modulate2x/Modulate4x/Add <----------This looks all okay
ColorArg1[1] = Texture;
ColorArg2[1] = Current;

texcoordindex[1] = cameraspaceposition | 1; // For cubemap use: cameraspacereflectionvector
TextureTransformFlags[1] = count3 | projected;
TextureTransform[1] = {
0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,//u-scale of lake rgb texture CHANGE THIS TO YOUR NEEDS!
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,//v-scale of lake rgb texture CHANGE THIS TO YOUR NEEDS!
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0

//technique fallback { pass p0 { } }

 //use Render2Texture Dll by ChrisB
plugindir "Plugins";
dllfunction r2T_eventSky();
dllfunction r2T_eventEntities();
render_sky = r2T_eventSky;
render_entities = r2T_eventEntities;

bmap waterbump = <waves2.tga>;
//bmap envspec = <sky.tga>;

function mtl_ffpwater_event();

material mtl_ffpwater
// skin2=envspec;

event = mtl_ffpwater_event;
effect = "water.fx";

function mtl_ffpwater_event()
//Lets make it scroll in some direction
mtl_ffpwater.skill1 += 0.3*time_step; //Move the water along the x axis with the given speed
mtl_ffpwater.skill2 += 0.1*time_step; //Move the water along the y axis with the given speed
mtl_ffpwater.matrix31 = floatd(sin(mtl_ffpwater.skill1)*100000,40000);
mtl_ffpwater.matrix32 = floatd(cos(mtl_ffpwater.skill2)*100000,40000);

VIEW view_mirror { layer = -1; }; // render mirror view before camera view
BMAP* bmap_mirrortarget;
//panel rtt{flags = visible;}
var water_height;

function fx_mirror()
// do nothing if mirror is already running
if (bmap_mirrortarget) { return; }

bmap_mirrortarget = bmap_createblack(512,512,888);
mtl_ffpwater.skin2 = bmap_mirrortarget;
view_mirror.bmap = bmap_mirrortarget;
view_mirror.size_x = bmap_width(bmap_mirrortarget);
view_mirror.size_y = bmap_height(bmap_mirrortarget);
// rtt.bmap = bmap_mirrortarget;

// vec_set(view_mirror.portal_x,my.x);
// vec_add(view_mirror.portal_x,vector(0,0,0));
// vec_set(view_mirror.pnormal_x,vector(0,0,1.0)); // reflect upwards
// view_mirror.portalclip = on; // clip at portal plane

view_mirror.noshadow = on; // suppress shadows in the mirror
// view_mirror.nocull = on; // view through walls
view_mirror.noparticle = on;
// view_mirror.noshader = on;

view_mirror.visible = on;

while (bmap_mirrortarget)
proc_late(); // camera must be moved and mtlfx_mirrorvisible set before

// view_mirror.aspect = 1;//1024/768; // screen aspect, independent of render target
view_mirror.arc = camera.arc;
view_mirror.fog_start = camera.fog_start;
view_mirror.fog_end = camera.fog_end;
view_mirror.clip_far = camera.clip_far;
view_mirror.clip_near = camera.clip_near;
view_mirror.x = camera.x;
view_mirror.y = camera.y;
view_mirror.z = 2*water_height-camera.z;//view_mirror.portal_z-camera.z; // move the camera at its mirror position
view_mirror.pan = camera.pan;
view_mirror.tilt = -camera.tilt; // flip the vertical camera angle
view_mirror.roll = -camera.roll;


action Water
mtl_ffpwater.matrix11 = float(100); //Tilefactor of the Bumpmap in x direction
mtl_ffpwater.matrix22 = float(10); //Tilefactor of the Bumpmap in y direction

// bmap_to_mipmap(mtl_ffpwater.skin2);
my.material = mtl_ffpwater;

i testd it with skinc and it works flawlessy, however i dont know how it reacts if you change any value. i tested it with ym A6.com and render to texture plugin and it works fine, so i think it should work with any other version above A6.60 com...

hope that helps, if not, i am sorry