rucksack engine
kindergarten engine
kraut engine

just kidding... after seeing zeitgeist and zeppelin some other german words which sometimes get used in english came to my mind...

here is the engine list from devmaster just to see some engine names:

1. Torque Game Engine
2. TV3D SDK 6.5
3. 3DGameStudio
4. C4 Engine
5. Unity
6. NeoAxis Engine
7. DX Studio v2.2
8. 3Impact
9. Beyond Virtual
10. Deep Creator

2. Irrlicht
3. Crystal Space
4. Panda3D
5. jME
6. Reality Factory
7. The Nebula Device 2
8. RealmForge
9. Blender Game Engine
10. OpenSceneGraph

actually i find most names pretty bad. my favorites are torque, ogre, irrlicht and nebula device.

coming up with a good name is hard. personally i don't mind "gamestudio" that much (officially the 3d isn't in the name anymore which is good because i think it mainly was what made the name sound old school) but i don't really like the ugly sounding "acknex".