So let me see if I understand this thread correctly:

You assume that a publisher will scoff at your game when you make mention of the name of the engine it was built under, right?
That a producer would NEVER think of supporting a product made with "that" engine.

Don't you see the fundamental flaw in that arguement?
Here I'll spell it out for you in a little play I call

"Focus on the game, not the name"

Community: Change the name! Change the name! No producer will support my game with that name!


Coummunity: What? How can that be? Surely a game producer would much rather invest in a game made by big, bad, bold Unreal than meek, unknown, kiddie 3D Game Studio, right?

F69: Wrong and you know it! Producers want GOOD GAMES not GOOD GAME ENGINES!!!!

Community: Right! And you can make a better game with Unreal than 3D Game Studio!

F69: And when you play a game, is the first thing you look at the engine it was built under or if it looks cool enough to play?

Community: As a player, I would probably just look at the game. But as a producer, I would definitely pay attention to the game engine so that IF a person looks at it, they are happy with the engine it was built!

F69: Oh really? So you think, you really think, that if you game is fun and it looks like it will sell, the publisher will say "no thanks. we don't care for selling fun games made with 3D Game Studio? That somehow the commercial public is going to say "wow... this was made with 3D Game Studio. Never heard of it. Guess I won't buy this game after all!"?

Community: Well... I guess if they see that it could sell and it would be fun they might buy it.

F69: And you think a producer would rather pony up the half a million dollars to give the game a little more polish and a big name up front? That a producer wants more than anything to drive the cost of making a game as high as possible?

Community: No, that doesn't sound like a good producer. I suppose they would want to get things on the cheap.

F69: Right! So don't you see that it's the GAME and not the GAME ENGINE that a producer is really looking at? And that if you can make a good game on the cheap, that is even better from a profit stand point and producers LOVE profit...

Community: Well...ummmm.... ermmm... I dont' know what to say so I'm just going to call you a censored poopy head because I know more than you but I just can't prove it and I'm going to storm off....hrumph!!!!!


The End
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