
I've noticed! That doesn't mean it isn't there.

I actually started another thread in Business Forum to tackle this exact question. I've never run into this problem so for me it truly isn't there. But it may be there for you and others that is the crux of that thread: trying to find out exactly what effect the name 3DGS has on investors.


I am talking about producers and people who are considering investing in a project, only to jump to the conclusion that the project is not worthwhile, not serious, because of the game engine's "click-together" reputation.

But isn't it true that someone investing in your game would play it first and then base it on it's merits?

And if like it's been stated, people don't even click start for knowing that it's a 3DGS product, are these the people you want to do business with?

People that put a name and a rep above the actual product? Aren't these the same type of producers that allowed Doom 3 to be published becaus it had the hottest "name" in town (only to find the game sucked)?

I'm sorry but it just doesn't make sense to me that a company would dismiss a good game merely because it was built by 3DGS. I've never experienced it and I'm curious to find out about other peoples experiences with rejection because of this.