"3D Game Studio"
sounds crappy, and oldschool.

i showed a Demo once to one of the Programmers at work, who was impressed.
When he sked me: Did you write that game,
and i replied, that is runs on the "3D Game Studio" Engine,
he said: "Oh, isn`t that such a game-maker?".

He looked at me, as if I would say i made it with Microsoft QBasic.

Gamestudio simply associates with a "click together" game-maker,
and it has a bad image due to lots of crappy hobby games, that many people saw
before. The good games are not really noticed / remembered to come from the same engine.

Conitec should rethink its maketing approach and make a new brand-name,
(and Hompage), to adress the "Apple IPod" generation, where style plays a
big role.

And I can suggest, that publishers will simply discount a product
simply by "its made with a gamemaker", and thus bargin for a lower
compensation of the developer. And by this (simply by the gamestudio name) it lowers
the attraction to use the engine for serious development.
Changing the name is not hard. And as suggested, the more Costly packages (eg Pro)
should get a new branding.
Casual hobby programmers can still grap for the known gamestudio "starter" versions.
But they will less likely look for the costly Releases right away.