Why is the name of 3D gamestudio this important? People here should really care more about features of the engine and concentrate on making their games the best they can with the tools they have at their disposal.

Just say you use a middle-ware engine, publishers really rarely care about the engine as long as the game is any good. They will be more interested in demos and other showcase material and perhaps design documents anyways. In fact, mostly saying you're using a 3D engine is enough on the subject of engines anyways, as Fastlane69 said most of the publisher probably won't really know 3DGamestudio anyways.

Quote for truth:

And about 50% didn't know 3DGS and the other 50% predictably called it hobbyware. The ones who didn't know where mildly curious about it's feature set and then moved onto the game. The ones who did know, after a few minutes talking about it, they did NOT have that opinion and agreed that their opinion was second hand and not borne of using the product.


PHeMoX, Innervision Software (c) 1995-2008

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