I have noticed some posts where undeclared identifiers and syntax errors
occur in lite-c even though the syntax is sound according to the manual.
I have just started migrating to lite-c, and almost every single thing I type in gives me the 'undeclared identifier' error upon compilation. I would like to know which of the following lines of code would be responsible for this, and maybe some forewarning about other code differences.(This is the only code in my .c file.)


action player_soldier()
var vel[3] = (0, 0, 0);//velocity in x, y, z
var accel[3] = (0, 0, 0);//velocity in x, y, z
var timer = 0;//general timer
my.skill9 = 100;
accel[0] = key_w;//control acceleration by keyboard
accel[1] = key_d;
accel[0] -= key_s;
accel[1] -= key_a;
vel[0] += accel[0];
vel[1] += accel[0];
vel[0] = max(vel[0], -20);
vel[0] = min(vel[0], 20);
vel[1] = max(vel[1], -20);
vel[1] = min(vel[1], 20);
my.x += vel[0] * cos(my.pan)* time;
my.y += vel[1] * sin(my.pan) * time;
camera.z = my.z + 100;
camera.x = my.x;
camera.y = my.y;

Murphey's Law:
<< if anything can go wrong, it will >>

(Murphey was an optimist).