Hi. Still haven't heard more than a bit here and there. The shows were pitched and apparently PBS Kids and a few other networks were interested in the company - but no sales as far as I know. Monday is meeting day at Animax and I hope to get a full report. So I am not on the fast track to fame and fortune yet -guess it's not really a big surprise but I was hoping for the one in a million shot. The execs have been giving tours of the studio most of the week according to my co-workers - various companies they apparently met at the conference. It could just be courtesy or something could come of it. I don't have enough info yet.

That's it. The whole family has had the flu for the past few days so I've been working from home. As a result we rescheduled our next two pitches for a week from now (it'll be good to have the additional time actually). If I can stop coughing up my lungs I'll finish up the documents for them this weekend.

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